BITTER SUGAR a book of poems - poems turned into songs - Bitter Sugar delves into the depths of the human mind, exploring its darkness through a collection of poems. The book features captivating illustrations by Juan Hernaz, adding an enchanting dimension to the reading experience. As part of...

Background music for promotional videos I was commissioned to write and produce the background music for the animated logo of Stellar Kids and Sintiyapera Film Factory, as well as the book promos of Mihr and Spots. Stellar Kids Animated Logo Client: Sintiyapera London Graphic design, illustrations and animated logotype:...

LUDO, THE WHITE ANT - ANIMATED AUDIOBOOK & OPENING Ludo is a unique ant who struggles to make friends. However, with the help of his new friend Bobo, the mole, they will both embark on an adventure where they will learn the beauty of loving oneself. The book...

party pets ANIMATion series Party Pets Musical Animation Series is a chapter-based series for children. With the help of catchy songs, each character will transform the island of Ibizoo into a magical place. Eolo Toys commissioned me to write, sing, and produce the opening song for the...

glowies fireflies by eolo toys Over the years, I have had the pleasure to work with Eolo Toys on a variety of musical toys that are currently available in toy stores in the U.K., the United States, the Nordics, Israel, Italy, and Brazil. Several of these...

PARTY PETS BY EOLO TOYS The Eolo Toys brand has been producing toys for over 40 years, I've had the opportunity to work for Eolo Toys on a variety of musical products now available in toy stores in the U.K, United States, the Nordics, Israel, Italy,...